Manna Project and Café

The Manna Cafe, which opened in October 2022, is held every Wednesday between 12pm and 2pm in the hall at the back of the Baptist Church, in Carnoustie, opposite the War Memorial.

Everyone is welcome. We offer light lunches of home made soup, sandwiches and toasties, with tea and coffee and a ‘sweet treat’.

Our aim is to provide somewhere for people to come and enjoy warmth, company, friendship and conversation along with something to eat.

We do not have a set price list but donations, which allow us to continue to operate the Cafe, are gratefully received.

Alongside the cafe, we run the Manna Provision where anyone experiencing hardship can come and take a bag of tinned and packet food and other provisions. This is open from 12pm to 1pm every Wednesday.

For regular updates follow our Facebook page.

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