Christmas Services 2020
Sunday 20th December:
All-age service 11am in church & on Zoom.
Please email if you wish to attend the service in person or via Zoom.
Carol Service 7pm on YouTube.
Christmas Carols 2020 - YouTube
Please note there is no meeting at church building in the evening.
Christmas Day - Friday 25th:
No Christmas day service at the church building.
We will release a video via our YouTube channel and other social media channels including a short reflection, music and greetings from the church family.
Our Christmas Offering this year will be for ‘Count Everyone In’, a Christian organisation who work with adults with learning disabilities and with churches, to inspire and equip them to be a place of welcome and support.
There will be an opportunity to give in church at our all-age service on 20th December, or you can donate online: