
Showing posts from June, 2016

Mega Makers! Holiday Club 2016

Holiday Club 2016 Monday-Friday 8th-12th August 10am - 12noon Free of charge! For all Primary School Age children At Carnoustie Baptist Church - 103-105 High Street (opp. the War memorial). All enquiries - John Toller (Pastor), 07793-889530, This event is being run in partnership with our friends from Carnoustie Church and Barry Church!

The Righteous God

This Sunday Pastor John shares the message 'The Righteous God' as we continue our study of the book of Daniel. All are welcome to our Sunday services, including those with young children, holiday makers and visitors to the town. We have many members from outside Carnoustie so you don't have to be a town resident or Baptist to attend. Hope to see you at 11am!

Coming Soon CBC Toddlers Group
